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NYS Mandated

The first required security guard training course

8 hr Pre-Assignment Training Course

The first required course is an Eight hour Pre-Assignment training course. This is a general introductory course. Upon the successful completion of this course, the guard is issued a training certificate. This certificate must accompany the security guard’s registration application when submitted to the Department of State. Once the application is submitted, the guard has 90 days to complete the second training course.

The second required security guard training course

16 hr On-The-Job Training Course

The second required course is the 16 Hour On-The-Job Training Course. This training program should be relevant to the guards duties, requirements of the work site, and the needs of the employer. Schools may conduct this training in an approved classroom setting or at an approved work site which is conducive to learning.

The third required security guard training course

8 hr Annual Service Course

The third required training program is the Eight Hour Annual In-Service Course. This training must be completed each calendar year following the completion of the 16 hour On-The- Job training course. This program is designed to meet current training needs and refresh or update guards in changes to the security field. The guard must complete this course as a prerequisite for renewal of his or her guard registration.


Certificate Mailed to Address

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